Whatever the subject matter, there is always knack that people need to learn to become pros. Whether its art reviewing, restaurant reviewing, film or car reviewing, the seasoned critic always needs a solid idea of the kind of helpful content which will aid in their readerships purchase choices. There’s nothing worse than an unhelpful review, everybody involved will feel like they’ve wasted their time, both in the writing and the reading. So below you can find some of the best tips out there to get you started in the world of E-Cig reviewing.
Keep it simple, stupid!
You’re not writing a poem or the next great work of literature. Over-embellished descriptions of Vape flavours will not give a clear idea of the taste and will bore your readership. This will also let them know what to expect and have something to compare it by. If they don’t feel “enlightened by the hints of strawberry and hear the whisper of cream” when they try the flavour you’re reviewing, then you’ve misled your audience.
Don’t base the review on the first taste
Sometimes you may need to take a few tries to really understand the flavour. Depending on your mood, surroundings and the device you’re using a Vape’s taste can really vary. It can also vary due to the food you’ve recently eaten. If the lemon flavoured e-juice tastes a bit like coffee, give it another go when you’ve finished your Espresso. Also remember to try the flavour in a variety of different devices; some of the higher powered vape devices may increase the intensity of the flavour, either to its detriment or to the flavours favour.
Try doing some blind tastes
This type of reviewing can really enhance your palette in terms of the flavours you pick up. Good practice for any reviewer! Try a variety of flavours, describe what you taste and then compare it to what it is advertised as. This can also act as a great antidote to the colourful descriptions you often find on the sides of the liquids, or even in other reviews. Be a cut above the rest and enhance your senses and reviewing “voice”. This is a great exercise in reviewing and blind tastings are often used as a way for food critics to develop their skills as well.
Vape the juice for an extended period
Unless your reviews are centred on the first taste, you should use the vape for at least a week before writing your review. This gives you time to notice the subtler flavours and how it lasts over a longer period of time. You may like a Vape taste on the first try but then when it comes to the fifth day find it too sickly whilst it could be the opposite and in fact an acquired taste.
Make it easy for the readers
Not all of your readers are going to have the time or want to read the entire review. To cater to as wide an audience as possible, assign a checklist of things to look for. Many Vape reviewers use throat hit, flavour, flavour quality and flavour match. Once you have set up these parameters then you can assign a numerical scale, say 1-5 or 1-10. With this, as well as your articulate write up, both an in depth reader and a skimmer can create a picture of the e-flavour they are planning to buy.
Don’t forget design
Although you should never judge a book by its cover, the design of an e-liquid can really make or break its popularity levels. Marketing requires branding, so as a consumer company you should always consider how memorable the packaging is and what it says about the company. Does the branding match the flavour names and flavours themselves?
A fresh palette and clean teeth
Always remember to brush your teeth before vaping and to clean the palette afterwards with a glass of water. As mentioned above, cross-contamination can lead to confusion and an inevitable retest. Don’t make this rookie error, keep your mouth hygiene at its best!
Always use your nose
When breathing in through your mouth always remember to exhale through the nose. This will help to define any smells or flavours that you didn’t pick up on the inhale and will bring out some of the more subtle notes. Smell and taste are equally important factors.