
We understand that health is a important concern for people thinking about taking up vaping, no one wants to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. So, we have put together a bunch of frequently asked questions about health and vaping. We think this is a great opener, Public Health England have said that “e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking” .

Is e-liquid poisonous like tobacco smoke?

Compared to tobacco smoke, e-liquid is far, far less hazardous. So far, academic-based research into vaping has found it to be around 95 percent less harmful than smoking tobacco-filled cigarettes. Now, yes, e-fluids do contain nicotine as do ordinary ciggies, yet that latter chemical is what delivers smokers and new vapers the ‘hit’ they crave; it’s not responsible for the health-harming conditions that the dangerous tar-based ingredients in tobacco are. It is true, though, that consuming excessive amounts of nicotine may cause you headaches and nausea.

Is there such a thing as ‘passive vaping’?

Simply put, no; there isn’t an equivalent to passive smoking when it comes to vaping. Passive smoking is, of course, when the tobacco smoke generated by a conventional cigarette that an individual is smoking spreads on the open air and, usually against their wishes, is inhaled by someone else, thus exposing them to all the health-hazard-containing ingredients of tobacco. Although nicotine is involved in vaping, its actual dangers to one’s health are negligible, as are its traces released into the air via vaping./p>

Is it dangerous to accidentally consume e-liquid instead of vapour?

Put it this way; it’s not going to do you any good, so should you get any in your mouth, be sure to spit out straightaway. Should your e-cig device be leaking and tiny, trace amounts do drop into your mouth it’ll be pretty much harmless, so there’s no need to worry.

Is it advised to vape and smoke at the same time?

Consider this; if you’ve started vaping because you’ve learnt it’s so much less harmful than smoking, but delivers the nicotine ‘hit’ that smoking does, thus, you’re doing so to get yourself off conventional cigarettes, then until you’re actually ‘off’ the ciggies, you’ll most likely be vaping and smoking at the same time – for no more than a while, though, hopefully. So, yes, of course it’s advised to vape and smoke together in this scenario; especially as it’s so difficult to quit tobacco ‘cold turkey’ and the quitting statistics via vaping are so favourable.

Is vaping unhealthy?

Although vaping has never been coined as a positive to your health, it has been proven to be 98 percent less dangerous than smoking. Of course, when nicotine is involved and inhaling any warm liquid, there will be a few negative effects, but these are very rarely debilitating or detrimental to your overall health if you are using high quality vape juice and and a functioning device. Most of the negative effects of vaping, such as inhaling noxious fumes such as formaldehyde, come from broken parts of the vape device such as if you are using a burnt-out coil.

Is nicotine dangerous?

Nicotine can be dangerous and an irritant to skin in large quantities. Whilst it can be poisonous in incredibly high dosages, the amounts found in vape juice are not harmful. Whilst nicotine can temporarily increase the heart rate and has been linked to not being a carcinogen but as a promoter of tumours, in small quantities it will have little effect. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance however, and this means that it should be treated with caution when it is

What link is there between diacetyl and popcorn lung and should I be worried?

Diacetyl is a substance which used to be used in vape juices. The chemical has been linked with bronchiolitis obliterans, a degenerative lung disease, or popcorn lung for its less threatening name. The chemical had been found in the flavourings of some vape juices in the past and even though the link between it and popcorn lung were only in lengthy exposure cases, high quality vape juice companies ceased to use the chemical in their products. This means you needn’t worry about the presence of diacetyl in your No1 Ejuice liquids.

Acetyl propionyl – is it harmful?

In place of the potentially hazardous chemical that’s diacetyl, the chemical known as acetyl propionyl crops up as an ingredient in many a buttery-flavour-featuring e-liquid. Perfect for delivering that uniquely rich, buttery taste, it’s unfortunately capable of catalysing into trace diacetyl. Bad news. Not only does this catalysation take place during manufacturing, in some circumstances, but it’s believed that it can even occur during the vaping process. For that reason then (and you can’t blame them), increasing numbers of vapers are putting their health first and seeking to actively avoid e-liquids that contain acetyl propionyl as an ingredient – academic research hasn’t yet found it to be definitely harmful, but one should always be looking to put their health first, let’s be honest.

Acetoin – is it dangerous?

Like the chemical known as acetyl propionyl, acetoin has been turned to by manufacturers of many vape juices that seek to ape that unmistakeably rich, sweet, buttery flavour that’s so popular among vapers, given that the ‘original’ ingredient in such e-liquids (diacetyl) has been proven to be genuinely hazardous, no doubt leading to cases of the possibly fatal ‘popcorn lung’ condition. Sadly, however (and, again, just as is the case acetyl propionyl), acetoin has been found to catalyse into trace levels of diacetyl – most prominently during the e-juice manufacturing and even the vaping stages. To that end, acetoin is now considered a lung irritant and is avoided like the plague by many vapers; that is, smart vapers who look to put their health before anything else.

Does vaping e-liquid stain your teeth?

The simple answer is no. It’s inevitable to compare e-juice to tobacco – and so wonder whether the former results in many of the unsavoury products of the latter when it’s consumed. Yet, unlike the tar-comprising tobacco, e-juice contains no such toxins; instead, it’s made up propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavourings, nicotine and water – and none of these ingredients are known to stain teeth.

Is it likely an e-cigarette will blow up?

If you’re careful to buy a recommended, well-manufactured e-cig device from a well-reviewed, esteemed vape shop or online retailer, it’s highly unlikely your new e-cigarette will develop a fault to the extent that it could blow – so long as you’re equally as careful and sensible in how you use it, of course.